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The Best Tint for Sunglasses

The Best Tint for Sunglasses

Posted by Shark Eyes on 27th Feb 2021

If you're an optimist, you may have been accused of wearing rose-colored glasses. And, maybe you are. Research has proven that lens color really does matter. It can change the way you see the world and makes a difference in the health of your eyes too. Read about the miraculous benefits of tinted lenses and find out what the best tints for sunglasses on the market are.

General Lens Tint Benefits

If you are tempted to judge sunglasses by their lens color, don't. Or, at least not until you learn what the properties of each lens color are. Just because sunglasses are tinted doesn't mean they block UV light. UV protection is attained by treating a lens during the manufacturing process by adding a UV-absorbing chemical that causes the lens to reduce the amount of UV light it allows through. Contrary to popular belief, that chemical is colorless.

But, color does matter. Sunglass tints serve different purposes because your eye reacts in certain ways to certain hues. Some of the sunglass tints help you see colors more vividly. A sunshade may be less attractive but very valuable because it reduces glare. In contrast, others actually distort your vision. You may be tempted to choose sunglass lens colors based on which you find the most attractive, but it is best to consider the advantages the color has in store for your eyes before all else.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized sunglasses with polarized lenses help to prevent glare from going into your eyes. Some people think that all sunglasses and all sunglass lenses are polarized sunglasses but that is not true. Polarized sunglasses are specifically made for their purpose. Also, polarized sunglasses are beloved because for the way the technique used in making them reduces glare. They can be blue or any other color. Polarized lenses is a formulation rather than being blue or a certain tint. You'll find rights reserved with this type of sunglasses too.

Mirrored Lenses

Mirrored lenses, whether they or blue or any other color are excellent for conditions where brightness is a bother. They are also a fashion statement. But, they are not the same as being polarized lenses. The lenses simply have mirrors built into them because the lenses are coated with a metal-like substance which reduces eye issues.

Blue Light Specials

Sunglasses are awesome for blocking blue light that commonly comes from the harmful rays that are emitted from computers and other digital screens. These sunglasses are specially designed to block them out. The sunglasses can be any color, however, and just because they are tinted blue doesn't mean they protect from uv-rays or blue light. When choosing sunglasses, keep this type of lenses in mind since they are excellent for many conditions. They are so beneficial, they are patented and have rights reserved for the formulation.

Rose Colored Glasses

Red, pink, or rose-tinted lenses are appreciated for blocking the blue light. Red, pink, and rose lenses tend to soothe the eyes from eye strain and eye fatigue and are an excellent choice for individuals who plan to wear their sunglasses for an extended length of time. This lens tint also helps to cut down on glare and doesn't strain the lenses of your eyes and therefore is optimal for choosing for wearing while driving since they reduce eye sensitivity.

If your purpose use is to simply have sunglasses that are pretty, red and pink lenses are very fashionable. But, red and pink lenses do so much more. It doesn't take long when you are wearing pink or red lenses to see that they assist in solving eye problems and eliminate eye strain along with being aesthetic. Red and pink sunglasses certainly remedy eye fatigue too, in low light and on sunny days. Red and pink lenses provide a well-rounded remedy for all different problems and are good to have on hand. When choosing sunglasses, these are some of the best lenses for your vision.

Green Lenses

Green lenses definitely get the green light when it comes to having their fair share of good advantages. You will want to go with green lenses if you want to filter out blue light, decrease eye strain, lessen glare, and still experience visual sharpness. Green lenses make the perfect pair of sunglasses to wear when the purpose use is for being active because the lenses provide excellent depth perception without compromising good color perception. If you are active and need lenses to help with protection from the sun and adverse conditions, green lenses are one of the best choices because green lenses are loaded with good benefits like blue lenses glasses and sunglasses are. They provide relief from bright light too.

Brown Amber Lenses

Like green lenses, Brown amber sunglasses tints are fabulous if you want to block blue light and reduce glare. Brown amber lenses affect color perception because they increase color contrast, reduce glare, and make things look brighter on cloudy days but still guard your eyes during sunny conditions. Amber lenses are ideal to wear when depth perception is important such as when you are engaging in water sports, hunting, golf, cycling, baseball, or fishing.

Along with green lenses, brown amber is one of the best choices in sunglass lenses for not distorting color perception too. Choosing brown amber lenses or yellow is wise if you are only going to use one pair of sunglasses for a multitude of activities such as if you are going to work outside or engage in water activities or sports activities since they reduce glare. They are perfect for low-light conditions. The benefits of brown amber lenses are vast because they are helpful in so many different conditions.

Gray Lens

Who says a lens color can't be neutral? Grey lenses can be dark or they can be a shade of light grey. There are many benefits to going with grey lenses and that's why grey is a very popular neutral tint of the lens colors. Gray goes with almost everything and has a myriad of advantages.

Like green lenses and amber lenses, gray lenses allow bright colors to come shining through so you can see the different shades of colors but are dark enough to block glare and provide protection to your vision. They are ideal for outdoor use or to wear when you need to work outside. They are also good for choice when you will be by the water, fishing, or engaging in water sports.

Gray is a popular neutral tint that allows the eyes to perceive colors in their purest form. Gray tints, like yellow and green lenses, reduce brightness and glare. Choose gray or yellow for improving driving conditions. low light conditions, and outdoor sports such as golf, running, or cycling. When in doubt, go gray.

Yellow Lenses and Orange Lenses

Yellow lenses and orange lenses of sunglasses increase your ability to see more clearly in haze, fog, and other distortion and when there is a lot of contrast. Yellow and orange lenses are excellent for wearing while you are active outdoors and also for nighttime driving or when there is low light contrast or problematic light conditions. Yellow, brown, and gray lenses are great tints for water sport, watching sports, and even for playing sports.

Questions that Matter

When choosing the right sunglass lenses, consider your lifestyle. What color sunglasses match that lifestyle. Are you frequently in bright areas? Do you need a contrast reflector? Do you play sports? You can go gray, yellow, blue, and have many other options too.

Get Your Lens Tint On

If you aren't sure which type of sunglasses to get, you may want to talk to your eye doctor about it. Consider your lifestyle. Are you an outdoor person who participates in a lot of activities? Do you spend a lot of time on the computer? The above information is designed to help you make the best decision possible. Choose the tint of your lenses carefully, as the health of your vision depends on it does.